My friends :D

Talking about friendship I must say that I was very lucky because I managed to find such a person whom I trust implicitly.We've known each other for 14 years but we are not able to get bored :P Sometimes I get the feeling that she knows me better than I do :D

Apart from that one persom, who is actually a part of my family I can not imagine my world without other friends!I can not imagine my studies, trips and parties without them :)

Unfortunately, I do not have all photos so please forgive me if you can not see yourself here. I love you :*

Aung San Suu Kyi

The woman whom I admire for her political activities is Aung San Suu Kyi. She is the Burmese opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate of 1991. She was born in 1945 and gained recognition as an opposition activist, striving for peace without shedding blood. She went to Delhi, where she studied political science. Then, she started her studies of political science, philosophy and economics at Oxford. After she returned to Burma, it was a turbulent period of mass protests against the government which suppressed peaceful protests by using force and killing 3,000 people. Then, she announced a “second war of independence” and despite many objections and difficulties she is still fighting for democracy in Burma. However, this task is significantly impeded by the authorities of the country because Aung San, since 2003, has been kept under house arrest that authorities called ironically “a protective detention”.

Hello everyone!

My name is Gosia and I am the third year student of English college in Poznań. What I would like to write on this blog about is basically my life, my interests, my thoughts, my complaints etc. Of course I will try not to complain only about my school:P Although every teacher says: "During our first meeting after Christmas you are going to write a test :/" Yup. Christmas will be too short for me (as usually every year :P)
Oh and I need to think about my New Year's resolutions which I am sure I will not keep but at least my conscience will be clear :D

So, I hope you will like it and Merry Christmas everyone :D